Thank You to members of the SD Legislature Who Helped Us Defend Measure 26

We would like to thank the members of the South Dakota Legislature who helped us defend Measure 26 this year.

First of all, there are the "champions" of Measure 26 who played a critical role in defending the law: Senator Blake Curd, Representative Mike Derby, Senator Troy Heinert, Representative Greg Jamison, and Senator Michael Rohl.

Special thanks goes to the following legislators who went above and beyond to uphold the will of the people: Representative Aaron Aylward, Senator Casey Crabtree, Representative Ryan Cwach, Representative Drew Dennert, Senator Red Dawn Foster, Representative Oren Lesmeister, Senator Reynold Nesiba, Representative Tom Pischke, Senator Arthur Rusch, Senator Erin Tobin, Senator Lee Schoenbeck, Representative Jamie Smith, and Senator David Wheeler.

And we thank the following State Representatives and State Senators for also supporting our efforts:

Representative Shawn Bordeaux, Representative Sydney Davis, Representative Becky Drury, Representative Linda Duba, Representative Erin Healy, Representative Jennifer Keintz, Representative Jess Olson, Representative Ernie Otten, Representative Peri Pourier, Representative Taylor Rehfeldt, and Representative Richard Thomason.

Senator Bryan Breitling, Senator Jessice Castleberry, Senator Michael Diedrich, Senator Helene Duhamel, Senator Mary Duvall, Senator Julie Frye-Mueller, Senator Brock Greenfield, Senator Jean Hunhoff, Senator Timothy Johns, Senator David Johnson, Senator Joshua Klumb, Senator Jack Kolbeck, Senator Ryan Maher, Senator Kyle Schoenfish, Senator V.J. Smith, Senator Jim Stalzer, Senator Wayne Steinhauer, Senator Marsha Symens and Senator Larry Zikmund.


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HB 1100 Has Been Defeated: Long Live Measure 26!