It is never too early to register for an absentee ballot!

Do you have a friend or family member who is a South Dakota resident and will be out-of-state in November or is on active duty in the military? While they may not be in South Dakota on election day, that does not mean they can’t cast a ballot.

There are a number of reasons why an individual might need to vote absentee. Some South Dakotans attend school or work in other states or abroad. Others are serving as active duty members in the military. Fortunately, South Dakota allows for no-excuse absentee voting. Regardless of an individual’s personal circumstances, they may request an absentee ballot.

To request an absentee ballot, you must already be a registered voter in South Dakota. The voter must complete and mail an absentee ballot application form to their county auditor. The county auditor will then send a paper ballot to the voter. The ballot is then filled out by the voter and returned to the county election official (either in person or by mail). See the official list of county officials and their respective mailing addresses below:

For members of the military serving stateside or abroad, the process of requesting an absentee ballot is different. Military members possessing a valid South Dakota ID or driver’s license may request an electronic absentee ballot, which can also be submitted electronically via the following link:

If a member of the military does not have a valid South Dakota ID or driver’s license, they may complete, print, and sign a digital absentee ballot request form, which can then be sent via mail, email, or fax to the county election official. The photo ID and notarization requirement is waived for military service members. The absentee ballot may then be either mailed or sent digitally via the UOCAVA Web Portal. The filled out ballot must then be mailed back to the county auditor. For more information, see the following link:

Please note that the county election official must receive all applications for absentee ballots by 5:00 PM Central Time the day before the election (November 4). Additionally, all completed absentee ballots must be received by the county auditor in enough time to deliver them to the correct voting precinct before the polls close. 

It is never too early to register for an absentee ballot. Don’t let being out-of-state on election day prevent your voice from being heard. 


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